
& cellar

12.5 hectares in Pouilly-Fumé appellation on 16 plots, worked with great care. Our oldest vines can be up to 80 years old

Les Vignes Pouilly-Fumé


Biodiversity-friendly farming methods (certificated HVE3).
Soil tillage, grass cover, disbudding, leaf removal… adapted each year according to climatic conditions, terroirs and vines age.

Millennial terroirs

Terres blanches, caillottes, clay and limestones with ammonite fossils, calcaires de Villiers, kimmeridgian marls with small oyster fossils, the favorite terroirs of Pouilly-Fumé, where our vineyards flourish.

Terroir Pouilly-Fumé
Cave Domaine Regis Minet


Individually harvested, our grapes are directly pressed at low pressure, vinified separately, and aged for 8 to 12 months, according to the cuvées. In this way, we preserve the identity of our terroirs, as well as the freshness and finesse of our variety grapes

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